Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible – I hold fast to the belief that the Bible was written by men inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. I further affirm the Bible is error-free and exempt from mistakes.
Sufficiency of the Word – the Bible is sufficient for us to read, understand, and answer the questions pertaining to eternal life and Godliness. Nothing else is necessary.
Having said this, I use Greek interlinears, Bible dictionaries, and word studies to figure out what the words meant at the time the New Testament was written. I use commentaries to hear what others may have to say, but I retain my right to determine the meaning of the Bible as best I can. I don’t surrender my views to anyone believing that it is a solemn duty to open my own eyes to see and open my ears to hear what God has revealed.
Context is Critical – I assert that the correct understanding of the Bible requires reading the scripture in the context in which it was written. The goal is to figure out what God intends and accept whatever is found.
A good example of the necessity for the proper context is found in John 6:53- 60. Jesus taught in the synagogue that they had to eat His flesh and drink His blood to have life with Him. Upon hearing this, many of His disciples said, “This is a hard saying; who can understand it?”
Jesus’ statement in John 6:53-60 must be construed in the figurative context to arrive at the proper meaning.
Without the proper context, the literal words require cannibalism. This was not the intent.
Old Testament and New Testament – the Old Testament composes 39 books that serve as a tutor to show us foundational information necessary to come to the correct understanding of the gospel of Christ in the New Testament. Galatians 3:24
The Old Testament provides the background for creation, the history of mankind, that all men fall short of the glory of God by sinning against Him, and that all are eternally lost without the perfect sacrifice of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior.
The Old Testament teaches us much, but we are only subject to the New Testament.
God-Given Gender Roles and Ranks – God created mankind (human beings), male and female, in His image. Men and women have equal value before God in personhood. Men are sons of God and women are His daughters. He loves all! However, God assigned different roles and ranks to men and women that many in our culture refuse to accept. God made the man the head of the wife in the home and ordained male leadership in the church in elders and deacons. A man is superior in rank to a woman, but the woman is equal to the man in value in the eyes of God.
Paul’s Writings Are Inspired – The entire Bible including the writings of the apostle Paul in the New Testament is inspired or God-breathed. Paul did not hate women. He was not a sexist, misogynist, male chauvinist, or any other pejorative term that some call him. Paul’s teachings are from God through the Holy Spirit. Don’t blame Paul if you don’t like what he said.
If you disagree with me on any of these principles, then you will likely not care for what I have to say.
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